Effective email communication is vital for attracting and engaging users to your SaaS platform. However, that is only possible with better-written or compelling emails.
So, if you lack the skills necessary to craft persuading lead generation emails, this article is for you.
Here, we’ll share tips and tricks for writing compelling emails. By implementing the discussed tips, your emails will gain the power to captivate their audience and entice them into exploring your SaaS platform.
So, with that being said, let’s jump in and break down the art of writing compelling emails into various sections.
Prerequisite to Writing Compelling Lead Generation Emails
People do email marketing for various purposes. For instance, they turn to email marketing when announcing something, such as discount offers, a new feature, some updates about an upcoming event, or the discontinuation of a service or product.
So, whatever purpose you want to achieve from your emails, you should know it before writing them.
Doing so will help you structure your lead generation emails effectively and remain focused throughout the entire piece of content.
5 Tips to Write Better Lead Generation Emails for Your SaaS Platform
Now, if the purpose of your email marketing campaign is clear to you, let’s dive into the tips for writing better emails.
1. Craft an Engaging Subject Line
Generally, people first look at the title and then decide whether a blog post or video is worth opening or not. And the same thing is valid for emails. But in emails, there are subject lines instead of titles. Therefore, our first tip for you is to focus on crafting an engaging subject line.
When we say an engaging subject line, we are not referring to using cliches or click baits. That’s because such things can ruin your credibility. So, you must stay away from them.
Instead, while writing the subject line for your lead generation emails, we recommend focusing on the following things:
- Mention the benefits you can offer to your users.
- Add a personalized touch to your emails. And by personalized touch, we mean mentioning the recipient’s name if possible.
- Keep the subject lines concise, relevant, and to the point.
Here is a picture that demonstrates the implementation of all these suggestions in an email subject line:

Thus, if you can implement these suggestions, your emails will likely have higher open rates.
2. Add a Personalized Touch to the Content of Your Email Message
When writing the content for the message you want to deliver in your email, it’s always a good idea to start with a personalized touch. Doing so will benefit you in the following ways;
- Establish a personal connection with people.
- Enhance your email engagement.
- Build trust and credibility.
- Increase the likelihood of gaining a response.
- And form a positive user experience.
So, here is an example that demonstrates how you can begin an email message by adding a personalized touch:

However, other than beginning with a personalized touch, we also recommend tailoring the message of your email according to the behavior, demographics, or user preferences.
This way, the content of your lead generation emails will be more relevant to everyone, which will ultimately develop a sense of individual attention in people’s minds.
3. Increase the Readability and Engagement of Your Email’s Content

You’ve got people to click and open your email with the help of an engaging subject line. But do you know that only 19% of the people read the entire email message, whereas the rest just skim through?
So, to tackle this, it is essential to increase the readability of the email’s content and make it engaging. But how?
Well, being a starter, you must avoid using fancy wording and sounding too industry-oriented. These things limit the readability of email’s content to only those who have a strong grasp of the language and belong to your industry.
But if you have trouble avoiding technical wording or jargon in your written email, you can always use the AI-based paraphrasing tool with Editpad. They convert content vocabulary into a language that is easy to understand for a wider audience.
You can paraphrase your email’s content with Editpad to eliminate ambiguity and increase its readability without affecting the main intent. Editpad will also help you improve the clarity and overall quality of your email with little effort.
Besides writing in simple language, we also recommend writing the content of your email in a conversational tone. Doing so will make people feel as if you’re communicating with them personally. And in order to make your email’s content engaging, you will have to work on its structure as well. So, do the following things:
- Use bullet points to represent complex information.
- Leverage short paragraphs (typically of 2-4 sentences).
- Divide your email’s content into multiple headings.

A picture demonstrating the implementation of instructions specified in this point
Thus, by focusing on these tips, you can increase the readability of your email’s content and make it look appealing, which means it will likely have a better engagement ratio.
And emails with better engagement will be more likely to drive traffic to your SaaS platform.
4. Highlight the Value Propositions and Benefits of Your Brand
Besides adding personalized touch, you must highlight the value propositions your brand has to offer to people. And that’s exactly what the fourth point of this guide specifies.
To make your email relevant to your audience, you must relate your brand’s value propositions to the problems people face. This way, they can better judge how your product or service can benefit them in solving their problems or meeting a specific need. But what’s the best way to highlight the value propositions in emails’ content?
For starters, you can take assistance from user testimonials or customer success stories. Doing so will highlight how your product or service solved people’s pain points over the years.
In fact, here is a picture that demonstrates the implementation of highlighting value propositions in email content:

But as we’ve already discussed in the previous point, keeping things simple in the email’s content is essential.
Therefore, remember to write clearly and in a to-the-point manner while communicating your brand’s value propositions and benefits. Doing so will help you build credibility and eventually gain people’s trust.
5. Don’t Forget to Include a Compelling and Actionable CTA

While engaging and skimmable content is vital to making your email’s content easy-to-readable or understandable, this characteristic alone cannot drive users from emails to your platform.
That’s because the content of the lead generation emails works with a Call-to-Action (CTA) to increase the likelihood of driving more users to a SaaS platform.
Therefore, the fifth tip of this guide specifies that your email’s content must include a clear and actionable CTA.
It guides people about the steps you want them to take after going through your content. So, whether you want the people to sign up for a free trial, upgrade their subscription, or explore a new feature, you should compellingly instruct the people so that their likelihood of performing the desired action will increase. But how can you do that?
Well, you have to make your CTAs actionable and compelling. So, here are some ideas regarding writing actionable and effective CTAs:

Thus, by modifying one of these CTAs according to the content of your email, you can increase the likelihood of driving more traffic to your platform from emails.
Writing effective lead generation emails is a powerful approach to drive more users to your SaaS platform. But the key to making your emails effective starts by defining clear objectives.
Once you’ve done that, you can focus on other essential bits, such as personalizing your emails and concentrating on your platform’s value.
But while specifying these things, keeping the email engaging and compelling is essential. So, maintain simplicity in the content of your email message by utilizing clear, brief, and to-the-point language.
Thus, by implementing these strategies while writing the content for your emails, you will be able to craft compelling emails, which will ultimately be powerful to increase user engagement and grow your SaaS platform.