Marketing Trends to Enhance your Brand’s Position in 2023


The evolution of marketing is all about keeping up with the latest trends.

We are all aware of the benefits of these fads and the significance of the role they play in every marketer’s life. 

But there’s no gain without pain in you-know-where, so to lessen your pang, I did the research part for you.

This year trends have been in the market for a while and the list complements each other, so you don’t have to start from zero to become a hero.

Listed below are trends to add to your marketing strategies list now and all year.

1. Say hello, to your all-rounder friend

Oberlo’s research[1] concluded that 71% of consumers prefer voice search over typing, which is 7 out of 10 customers.

Alexa and Siri have become a part of our day-to-day life. 

Have you had your first interaction with AI yet? A fan already?

Whatever the case is, this is the future of AI we have been reading about for so long. 

Now if you don’t know what is AI, let me first clear it up for you in the simplest form:

Artificial intelligence is a technology that mimics the human mind to perform tasks.

Your helping hand or your assistant, you can call it whatever you want. The end goal is to make your life easier and smoother.

In marketing, pace, performance and personalisation play a big role, so using AI to leverage sales and customer experience is a necessity.

Here’s why you should hire AI:

  • to save your time by giving in charge of repetitive tasks
  • to increase the revenue of your business by predicting your customer’s needs
  • to reduce stress by automating emails and analysing campaign performances.

Examples of AI in marketing

IBM is using the AI assistant IBM Watson. It helps engage target audiences in one-on-one conversations. 

Starbucks is using predictive analysis to serve more personalized, tailored messages to customers.

Influential is an influencer marketplace that employs AI to suggest social media influencers to brands and companies

86% of companies that have incorporated AI created better customer experiences.

2. An influencer is your word of mouth

Brands today are making a smart move by going after people who have an online presence and are influencing a community in their niche.

According to HubSpot[2], 89% of marketers have invested in influencers to leverage their marketing and will continue to do this year as well and 17% of marketers are planning to invest in them for the first time this year.

You can include your name after reading this blog because it’s the future.

In 2017, influencer marketing was only worth approximately INR 1.7 billion but in 2022 it raked in around INR 12 billion.

But why is it working so much better than any other form of advertising?

  • It’s budget-friendly in comparison to traditional advertising.
  • It acts as word of mouth and people trust people.
  • You can reach out to your group of target customers with ease.

Examples of influencer in marketing

Ewa Young, a clothing brand’s influencer marketing, is collaborating with micro-influencers in their niche from around the globe and promoting their products.

Yogabar focuses on educating their customers through micro-influencers. The company has worked with over 100 creators across a range of health and fitness topics.

Pintola Peanut Butter increased its sales by working with both micro as well as macro influencers.

Tip: Focus on the quality of engagement of an influencer rather than number of followers.

3. GenZ will rule your target market

We at TCC as a B2B SaaS startup have a huge part of the GenZ audience on different social media platforms.

GenZ is the generation from age 14-25 who has grown up with the full range of the internet at their fingertips.

They make up 40% of the global consumer population which is pretty significant.

So, you cannot take the risk of not including them in your marketing strategy. 

Let’s see how you can connect with post-millennials:

  • By having a clear set of values and a core mission

49% of GenZ-ers[3] think a company should have some social responsibility initiatives that they can be a part of. Here’s a quick example:

TCC started TABB (The Anti-Bullying Box), to reduce online bullying on social media platforms in which GenZ is actively participating.

  • By adopting radical transparency and accountability

For our generation, brand trust is second to price in terms of determining what brands we are going to support.

Our generation doesn’t hold back from calling out brands that don’t practise what they preach.

  • By entertaining and not just marketing

I would like to share my own experience. On an average, I see around 1000’s of marketing messages on a daily basis so I know that I have plenty of options to choose from. 

A brand that stands out for me; is definitely doing something other than marketing. It can be humour, creative editing or just a story.

Additionally, GenZ has an 8-second attention span on average[4]. Our ability to ‘filter’ is just more advanced. 

4. Live Videos & Online Events

Videos are hot and live-videos are hotter because they help brands and businesses connect with their customers authentically.

I know it’s hard to shoot videos and then live videos and online events are no exception.

But I enjoy watching live videos from the comfort of my own home and so is your audience.

During the pandemic, 96% of consumers increased their online video consumption. 9 out of 10, which is 90% of viewers, demanded more videos from brands[5].

And it’s estimated that the average user will spend close to 100 minutes daily watching videos[6].

Find your ‘why’ below to start live videos and online events

  • Cost-effective method to build strong connections with your viewers.
  • You can reuse the video content in different forms
  • Real-time engagement helps you get immediate feedback.

5. Lock screen to reduce competition 

Now you can grab your customer’s attention before they even unlock their mobile. The only space that was left is covered now.

If you are a part of a highly competitive industry, this trend is your call to take action.

According to Glance, a lock screen advertising platform, consumers unlock their phones at least 150 times a day and consume content 9 out of 10 times.

A simple feature like lock screen can help diversify your marketing game. Focus on providing value driven content rather than bombarding the viewers with ads. Ahead are some examples of brands doing it the right way.

Zomato is known for forming emotional connections with their foodie audience. They partnered with Glance to maximise their market share through content innovation. 


2.5 Bn impression | 60 Mn unique users | 19 Mn clicks | 6% uplift in purchase intent

Coca-Cola’s Sprite took the gaming route to connect with young Indians during IPL through its “Din Bhaari, Life Jaari” campaign.


15 Mn impressions | 2.3 Mn gaming sessions recorded | 3.5x higher CTR

Ads won’t make me click the banner but an exciting news or fun game can.


How to keep up with marketing trends?

There are many ways to stay up to date with marketing trends. You can follow thought leaders and top creators on social media, attend conferences and events, join industry groups, collaborate with other professionals and brands, and also by experimenting with new strategies.

Why do we need marketing?

Marketing is essential to ensure that your product or service is the first thing that comes to your customers’ minds when they need it.

In Conclusion

So, with everything said, I would like to conclude this blog by sharing an evergreen trend to include in your strategy, no matter which year you are reading this.

Yes, I know it’s difficult to keep up with these fast changes so there you go

Keep providing value above everything 

That’s it

That’s the key to surviving for the long term in this fast-changing market and beating all the algorithms.

Just bookmark this, to get back to it because I have given out pure value to strategise your marketing around these trends all year.