A Guide to Unlocking Marketing Opportunities with Lock Screen Advertising in 2023

Did you know, according to Business Standard consumption of lock screen content is up by 35%?[1]

In recent months, marketers have become increasingly interested in lock screen advertising. Platforms like Glance enable brands to transform a consumer’s locked screen into an interactive space with tailored and targeted content.

Major brands such as MI and Samsung have also developed interactive lock screens that allow other brands to engage with consumers.

But what is lock screen advertising and why is it impacting the lives of consumers like never before?

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the concept of lock screen advertising, explore how it works, unveil its benefits, and provide actionable insights for brands to implement and measure their lock screen advertising campaigns.

Let’s begin!

What is Lock Screen Advertising? 

Lock screen advertising involves displaying ads or captivating content on the lock screen of mobile devices.

It leverages the prime real estate of the lock screen to deliver brand messages, promotions, and engaging experiences to users before they even unlock their devices.

Lock screen marketing, in all honesty, is an ingenious way for brands to reach their target audience at a highly visible and often underutilized moment.

How Does Lock Screen Advertising Work?

Lock screen advertising typically involves partnerships between brands and lock screen app providers or mobile device manufacturers. Brands collaborate to display their ads or sponsored content on the lock screens of users’ devices.

Whether through static images, dynamic videos, interactive elements, or personalized messages, lock screen advertising aims to captivate users and create brand awareness.

According to Glance, consumers unlock their phones an average of 70 times per day, and they engage with content on their lock screens in 9 out of 10 instances, totaling around 63-65 times per day. You can read the entire report here.

To effectively practice lock screen advertising, brands should consider the following steps: 

  • Identify suitable lock screen app providers or mobile device manufacturers to partner with. 
  • Craft visually appealing and captivating ad creatives or content that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience. 
  • Utilize personalization techniques to deliver tailored content based on user preferences and behavior. 
  • Implement tracking mechanisms to measure the performance and effectiveness of your lock screen advertising campaigns.

Why Advertise on the Lock Screen?

If you’re questioning the effectiveness of advertising on the lock screen, which is only visible to phone users before they unlock their devices, here are some valid justifications for utilizing lock screen advertising:

1. User Engagement

The lock screen serves as a prime opportunity for users to engage with content while waiting, traveling, or seeking entertainment on their phones.

By providing engaging stories, personalized content, and up-to-date information, lock screen advertising captures users’ attention and encourages them to view the displayed ads.

2. High Engagement Rate

Lock screens typically enjoy a high engagement rate among users.

Since the lock screen is the first thing users see when they unlock their phones, it ensures a higher level of visibility and interaction compared to other forms of advertising.

3. Repeat Visits

Unlocking the screen is an unavoidable action that users perform multiple times throughout the day.

This presents advertisers with the advantage of having repeated opportunities to showcase their ads, increasing the chances of generating brand recall and conversion.

4. Engaging Content Curation

Lock screen apps are designed to curate content that keeps users engaged for extended periods.

By utilizing captivating high-definition images and concise copy, lock screen advertising makes it difficult for users to ignore the displayed content.

5. Easy Accessibility

With swipeable screens, lock screen advertising offers quick and effortless access to users’ preferred content.

This seamless navigation further enhances the user experience and increases the likelihood of engaging with the ads.

6. Targeted and Personalized Approach

Lock screen ads can be tailored based on user preferences, demographics, and behavior, enabling brands to deliver highly relevant and personalized content.

How to Measure the Results of Lock Screen Advertising?

Measuring the success of lock screen advertising campaigns is crucial for optimizing future strategies. Here are some key metrics to consider: 

  1. Impressions: Measure the number of times your ads are displayed on users’ lock screens. 
  2. Click-through Rate (CTR): Monitor how many users interact with your lock screen ads by clicking on them. 
  3. Conversion Rate: Analyze the percentage of users who take the desired action after interacting with your lock screen ads, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. 
  4. Brand Awareness and Recall: Conduct surveys or brand recognition studies to gauge the impact of lock screen advertising on audience awareness and recall.

Lock Screen Advertising Best Practices

Here’s a list of a few of the best practices of lock screen marketing strategies for success.

1. Personalization is Key

Tailor your lock screen ads to the individual user’s preferences and interests. Leverage data and insights to deliver relevant and personalized content that resonates with their needs and desires.

By offering a personalized experience, you can increase the chances of capturing their attention and driving engagement.

2. Seamless Integration

Ensure that lock screen ads seamlessly integrate with the overall user experience. They should blend harmoniously with the device’s interface and not disrupt or annoy the user.

The goal is to provide value-added content that enhances the user’s interaction with their device rather than interrupting it.

3. Captivating Visuals

Grab attention with visually appealing and high-quality imagery. Use compelling graphics, vibrant colors, and eye-catching designs that instantly attract the viewer’s gaze.

Remember, the lock screen is often the first thing users see when unlocking their phones, so make a strong visual impact to leave a lasting impression.

4. Concise and Impactful Messaging

Keep your message concise, clear, and impactful. Users typically spend only a few seconds on the lock screen, so ensure that your ad conveys the main idea or call-to-action effectively within that short timeframe.

Use compelling headlines, catchy phrases, and strong visuals to deliver your message efficiently.

5. Clear Call-to-Action

Include a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) in your lock screen ads. Whether it’s to download an app, visit a website, or make a purchase, guide users toward the desired action.

Make the CTA prominent and easily clickable to encourage engagement and drive conversions.

6. Test and Optimize

Continuously test and optimize your lock screen ads to maximize their effectiveness. Experiment with different visuals, messaging, and CTAs to identify what resonates best with your target audience.

Monitor metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and user feedback to refine your approach and improve results over time.

7. Respect User Privacy

Respect user privacy and ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

Be transparent about the data collection and usage associated with lock screen ads, and provide users with opt-out options if desired.

Building trust and maintaining a positive user experience should be a priority.

In Conclusion

Lock screen advertising offers brands an innovative and attention-grabbing way to connect with their audience. It’s a space where creativity meets prime real estate, enabling brands to make an impact before users even unlock their devices.

With the right strategy, captivating content, and precise targeting, lock screen advertising can be a powerful tool to elevate brand visibility, and engagement, and ultimately drive results.

Remember, in the ever-evolving digital landscape, engaging with your audience through innovative and non-intrusive methods is the key to standing out from the content clutter. 

Start leveraging lock screen advertising today and watch your brand unlock new heights of success! You can also read about 30+ other types of marketing that can make a difference for your brand.