Decoding SaaS Product Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide


Today, with SaaS products taking center stage, one burning question on every business’s mind is, “How should we set our price?”.

But SaaS product pricing goes beyond just sticking a tag on a product. It speaks volumes about your brand, represents the value you provide, and can make or break your product’s journey in the market.

So, let’s unpack the various SaaS pricing strategies and uncover the secrets to nailing them.

What is SaaS Product Pricing?

SaaS product pricing refers to the strategy used by Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers to charge customers for using their online services or software.

Unlike traditional software, which users buy once as a package (often called on-premise software), SaaS is cloud-based and generally works on a subscription model.

This means customers typically pay on a recurring basis (monthly or yearly) for access to the software.

How to Price a SaaS Product?

Pricing a SaaS product can be intricate, but by following a structured approach, businesses can ensure their pricing resonates with their market, covers costs, and optimizes profitability.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Understand Your Costs

The first step is to understand both your fixed and variable costs. This includes infrastructure costs, R&D, customer support, marketing, and other overheads.

2. Define Your Target Audience

Different segments of the market have different willingness to pay. Tailor your pricing to resonate with your target demographic.

For example, for the fitness industry, the pricing may be different for college students and senior citizens. 

3. Determine Value Propositions

Understand the core value your software provides and how it stands out in the market.

This will guide how you present your pricing and what features you include at various price points.

4. Analyze Competitors

Understand how similar products are priced. This will give you an idea of market standards and potential opportunities to differentiate.

In India, if Brand X sees Brand Y’s phone at ₹30,000 without a high-res camera, Brand X could offer its better camera phone for ₹32,000, using the camera as its edge.

5. Choose a Pricing Model

Based on your product, costs, and market, decide on a pricing model (e.g., flat rate, usage-based, tiered, etc.).

6. Test and Adjust

Finally, it’s vital to test your pricing. Conduct A/B tests, get customer feedback, and be willing to adjust if necessary.

Why Product Pricing Matters and Things to Consider?

Pricing is one of the most important aspects of running a business. The price of a product or service is what determines whether or not a customer will make a purchase.

The customer will look for a cheaper alternative if the price is too high. If the price is higher, the customer may think the product is of better quality. 

As a business owner, you need to consider your SaaS product pricing to make a profit. Here are some things to consider: 

1. The turnover time of a lead: How long does it take for a customer to go from being a lead to becoming a paying customer? If it takes less time, you may need to adjust your pricing.

2. Customer acquisition costs: How much does it cost you to acquire a new customer? This includes advertising, marketing, and any other costs associated with getting a new customer.

3. The fact that you have to break even: You need to make enough money from your SaaS product to cover your costs (including the costs of acquiring new customers).

4. Infrastructure costs: How much does it cost you to maintain your SaaS product? This includes costs for hosting, servers, and any other necessary infrastructure.

5. Brand image: Your pricing strategy reflects your brand’s value proposition. While low-cost models may appear attractive, they can deter customers who believe higher-priced products are more valuable.

6. Other factors: Many other factors can affect your SaaS product pricing, such as the competition, the market, and your own business goals.

Consider all of these factors when setting your SaaS product pricing to make a profit and succeed in business.

Types of SaaS Product Pricing Models & Pricing Examples

Understanding the different pricing models available for SaaS can be daunting, but it’s important to do so to find the best fit for your business.

Delve into a detailed exploration of the various pricing model saas to find the best option.

Flat Rate Pricing

Flat Rate Pricing is straightforward. With this strategy, SaaS companies set one price for their product, no matter the features, number of users, or extent of usage.

The primary advantage of this model is its simplicity, making it easy for potential customers to understand. However, a potential pitfall is that it may not cater to the diverse needs of various customer segments. It’s ideal for products with a standardized offering where segmentation isn’t required.

Example: Medium offers its users an unlimited usage plan for a flat fee per month with unlimited access to everything that is on the Medium platform at the time of signing up.

Example of flat pricing model of a SaaS

Usage-Based Pricing

In usage-based pricing, the cost is directly proportional to how much a customer uses the product.

This model is excellent for products where the value a user derives increases with usage. It’s flexible and can be very attractive to customers since they only pay for what they consume.

However, it might make revenue forecasting challenging as consumption can vary.

Example: MailChimp offers usage-based pricing by offering different subscription tiers based on the monthly emails you send.

Example of usage-based SaaS product pricing model

Tiered Pricing Strategy

Tiered pricing involves dividing the product offerings into multiple levels or tiers, typically based on features, usage limits, or user access.

This model’s beauty is its ability to cater to a vast customer base, from individuals or startups to large enterprises.

The challenge here is to segment features rightly, ensuring each tier offers perceivable value.

Example: Slack employs this approach, offering tiers that range from a free basic version to comprehensive enterprise solutions.

Slack is an example of a tiered pricing strategy

Per User Pricing

As evident from the name, Per User Pricing calculates costs based on the total number of users accessing the software.

This model aligns well with products where value increases with more users. It’s straightforward for customers to understand, but a potential downside is that some companies might limit the number of users to save costs.

Example: Basecamp SaaS Model is the best example of this pricing model. They offer an ideal pricing system depending on the number of users per month. 

Basecamp is an example of per user pricing model

Freemium Business Model

The freemium model offers users a free basic version of the software, while more advanced features come at a premium.

The freemium model can rapidly increase the user base, giving customers a taste of the product and encouraging them to upgrade.

However, the challenge is ensuring a good enough conversion rate from free to paid users to maintain profitability.

Example: Evernote provides users with free note-taking and journaling features to keep their thoughts organized. 

Evernote is an example of a freemium model

Challenges in SaaS Pricing and Their Solutions

Pricing a SaaS product is a nuanced task that presents various challenges for owners.

One of the primary dilemmas is determining the product’s value, striking a balance between tangible features and perceived value to customers. 


  • Determining Product Value: One of the primary dilemmas in SaaS product pricing is discerning its value. This means finding a balance between its tangible features and how customers perceive its worth.
  • Rapid Evolution of Market Dynamics: Competitors might frequently change their prices. Moreover, newcomers in the market may introduce groundbreaking pricing models, demanding SaaS owners to be flexible.
  • Feature Segmentation Across Pricing Tiers: Deciding which features belong to which pricing tier is always a complex decision.
  • Global Pricing Challenges: Addressing issues such as currency variations and disparities in regional purchasing power is another challenge SaaS businesses face.
  • Operational and Infrastructure Costs: As the user base grows, so do the infrastructure costs. SaaS owners need to ensure these growing costs are reflected in the product pricing.


  • Adopt a Data-Driven Approach: Investing in analytics tools can give insights into customer behavior, preferences, and how sensitive they are to price changes.
  • Regular Market Research: Keeping an eye on the competition and global market trends ensures that you’re not left behind.
  • Customer Feedback and A/B Testing: To understand the features that customers value the most, it’s beneficial to gather feedback and run A/B tests. This information can guide decisions on feature segmentation across pricing tiers.
  • Flexible Cloud Infrastructure: To address concerns of scalability and rising infrastructure costs, adopting a cloud infrastructure that’s flexible can provide the necessary scalability without incurring excessive costs.

While the challenges in SaaS product pricing are manifold, a combination of data-driven decision-making, market analysis, and using modern infrastructure can lead to sound pricing strategies.

Discover the intricate challenges of B2B SaaS by diving into this insightful blog.

Final Thoughts

Pricing is as much an art as it is a science. Brands that have nailed their pricing, such as Netflix with its tiered model or Spotify with its freemium model, have seen significant customer growth over time.

Remember, the right pricing strategy not only covers your costs and earns a profit but also resonates with your target audience, meeting their expectations and perceived value.

Listen to feedback, watch the competition, and be willing to adapt. Your pricing strategy might be the competitive edge you need in the SaaS market.

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