101+ Marketing Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind [Updated for 2023]


2023 is around the corner. (But I am wondering how the year passed so quickly).

Now we can’t stop time, the only thing that’s in our hands is to be prepared with a solid strategy.

The same thing applies to your marketing efforts.

Because marketing is constantly evolving (like any other industry), keeping with the industry trends is naturally called for.

And to help you with this I am sharing some of the most important marketing statistics for 2023.

Let’s hop on.

Table of Contents

Marketing Statistics for 2023

As a business owner, you want your brand to reach a wider audience and achieve its sales targets.

For that, you need to invest a lot of time, effort, and resources. 

Thankfully, there are several marketing strategies you can implement to increase your brand awareness as well as generate more sales.

But before you start building your strategy for 2023, you need to know these incredible marketing statistics.

Digital Marketing Statistics

1. 45% of businesses lack a well-defined digital marketing strategy. (Smart Insights)

2. 74% of marketers said they have used visuals in their content more than 70% of the time. (Venngage)

3. 63% of businesses have increased their digital marketing budgets from the last year. (LocaliQ)

4. Digital marketing channels are allocated 72% of the total marketing budget. (WebStrategies)

5. Using videos on landing pages can boost conversions by more than 85%. (Wordstream)

6. Only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their current conversion rate. (Business2Community)

7. Digital marketing is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9% between 2020 and 2026. (PR Newswire)

Content Marketing Statistics

Content marketing includes creating relevant and engaging content in the form of blogs, emails, social media, etc. 

And it’s not limited to creating content, it also includes strategically distributing content across different channels.

1. 82% of marketers actively invest in content marketing, 10% do not use content marketing, and 8% are unsure if their company uses content marketing. (HubSpot)

2. 40% of B2B marketers have a documented content marketing strategy. (Content Marketing Institute)

3. Video is the most popular content format, with 59% of marketers using video for content marketing. (HubSpot)

4. 81% of marketers consider content to be a core business strategy. (CMI)

5. Compared to outbound marketing, content marketing generates over 3 times as many leads and costs 62% less. (Demand Metric)

6. 83% of marketers believe it is better to prioritize content quality over quantity, even if it means posting less frequently. (HubSpot)

7. 94% of content marketers use social media as a content distribution channel. (SEMrush)

8. At least 47% of buyers view 3 to 5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. (HubSpot)

9. In 2023, 78% of content marketers expect their organization to invest in or continue to invest in video, up from 69% the previous year. (CMI)

10. The use of case studies in content marketing is expected to grow, with 37% of marketers planning to use case studies in their marketing strategy for the first time this year. (HubSpot)

11. 51% of businesses that invest in content marketing publish content daily. (The Manifest)

12. 45% of marketers who leverage content marketing currently invest in infographics. (HubSpot)

If the stats don’t convince you, maybe this meme will, to have a content marketing strategy.

Social Media Marketing Statistics

Well, who doesn’t know about social media? Even a 10-year-old kid knows it.

But if your brand is not leveraging social media marketing, you are missing out on a lot.

Marketing Statistics

1. 63% of customers expect businesses to provide customer service through social media. (Asset Digital Communication)

2. In 2023, digital ad spending is expected to increase by 20%. (Insider Intelligence)

3. Facebook and Instagram are popular advertising platforms, owing to their high-earning user bases. (Podium)

4. 90% of marketers claim that social media is crucial to their clients and businesses. (Duct Tape Marketing)

5. 90% of social media users are already connected with a business or brand through their preferred platform. (Asset Digital Communication)

6. Interacting with customers on social media leads them to spend 20-40% more money on products and services. (Bain)

7. 71% of small to medium-sized businesses market themselves using social media. (Asset Digital Communication)

8. 90% of small businesses consider social media platforms as effective marketing tools. (Fundera)

9. 52% of small to medium-sized businesses post at least once per day. (Asset Digital Communication)

10. Social spending increased by 10.1% in 2022 and is expected to increase by 13% in 2023. (What’s New In Publishing)

11. 11% of Instagram users use the app for shopping. (Asset Digital Communication)

SEO Statistics

If you want to rank your website on the search engine result page (SERP), you need a good SEO strategy. 

A good SEO strategy includes producing high-quality content, optimizing the website, and building authority.

1. 0.63% of users click on results from the second page. (Backlinko)

2. According to 60% of marketers, inbound marketing generates the highest quality leads. (HubSpot)

3. Organic search accounts for 53.3% of all website traffic. (BrightEdge)

4. 12.29% of search queries have featured snippets in their search results. (Ahrefs)

5. Mobile phones account for 58.99% of all website traffic worldwide. (Statista)

6. A featured snippet provides 40.7% of all voice search answers. (Backlinko)

7. SEO generates 1,000% or more traffic than organic social media. (BrightEdge)

8. According to 49% of marketers, organic search provides the greatest SEO ROI. (Incrementors)

9. Only 5.7% of pages rank in the top 10 search results within a year of publication. (Ahrefs)

10. Around 8% of search queries are phrased as questions. (Moz)

11. Search engines generate 300% more traffic to websites than social media. (Incrementors)

12. SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate. (HubSpot)

Email Marketing Statistics

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods. 

And email marketing continues to be on top when it comes to a high ROI compared to other marketing methods.

1. 37% of brands are increasing their budget for email marketing. (Litmus)

2. Over the last year, 77% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement. (HubSpot

3. Email marketing revenue is expected to reach nearly $11 billion by the end of 2023. (Statista)

4. 33% of marketers send weekly emails, while 26% send multiple emails per month. (Databox)

5. 15.8% of all emails are lost or intercepted by a popular spam filter. (Email Tool Tester)

6. Mobile devices account for 41% of email views, with desktop accounting for 39%. (HubSpot)

7. 50% of people buy at least once a month from marketing emails. (SaleCycle)

8. 59% of respondents say marketing emails influenced their purchasing decisions. (SaleCycle)

9. The return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is $36 for every $1 invested. (DMA)

10. 47% of email recipients open emails solely based on the subject line. (OptinMonster)

11. 87% of marketers use email to distribute content. (Ecommerce Platforms)

12. 90% of marketers use email to recommend products, services, and personalized content. (Databox)

13. The overall average email open rate is 20.81%. (MailChimp)

14. Personalization results in an average email open rate of 17.6%. (HubSpot)

Video Marketing Statistics

Videos are everywhere, be it on any social media platform. 

And many brands are using video marketing to engage with their audience. 

Meanwhile clients:

1. 80% of consumers want to see more videos from businesses. (Wyzowl)

2. Video has become the most popular marketing channel for businesses, with 87% of businesses already utilizing video as a marketing tool. (Boast)

3. 80% of people prefer video over written text. (Vimeo Livestream)

4. 80% of marketers have generated leads by using video as a marketing tool. (Wyzowl)

5. At least 88% of marketers were satisfied with their online video ROI. (Oberlo)

6. According to 83% of video marketers, videos have increased the amount of time website visitors spend on their page. (Wyzowl)

7. 85% of marketers credit video as an effective way to get attention online. (Lemonlight)

8. Customers remember 95% of the information in videos. (Forbes)

9. In the coming years, 81% of marketers plan to use video marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy. (Lemonlight)

10. 81% of marketers credit videos for helping them to generate leads. (Wyzowl)

11. 69% of people said they would rather watch a short video about a product or service. (Wyzowl)

12. Emails with videos receive 300% more clicks than those without. (Campaign Monitor)

13. Mobile devices account for more than 75% of all video views. (Insider Intelligence)

14. 38% of marketers post videos on LinkedIn. Of these, 75% found it to be useful. (Wyzowl)

15. 78% of marketers say videos have helped them increase sales. (Wyzowl)

16. 71% of B2B marketers are using video marketing. 66% of B2C marketers are creating videos. (Content Marketing Institute)

Influencer Marketing Statistics

Influencer marketing is gaining a lot of popularity worldwide. 

Brands are collaborating with influencers to expand their reach and generate more sales.

1. Influencer recommendations are trusted by 61% of consumers, while brand-produced content is trusted by 38%. (Social Shepherd)

2. 60% of marketers agreed that influencer-generated content performs better and generates more engagement than branded posts. (Mediakix)

3. On average, brands spend around $174 for each piece of content that an influencer generates. (Collabstr)

4. According to 42.3% of brands, influencer marketing success is measured by conversions and sales. (Influencer Marketing Hub)

5. In the coming year, 68% of marketers plan to increase their influencer marketing budget. (Influencer Marketing Hub)

6. Influencer marketing has been used by 93% of marketers. (Socialpubli)

7. Raising brand awareness was the most important goal for 86% of marketers. (Sveriges Annonsörer)

8. 51% of marketers say influencer marketing has helped them acquire more customers. (Smart Insights)

9. Influencer marketing outperformed banner ads by 11 times. (Convince & Convert)

10. In 2023, marketers will collectively spend more than $4.5 billion on influencer marketing. (Statista)

Affiliate Marketing Statistics

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn some extra money. 

And it’s not like you earn a lot of money in the short term, it’s a long term game.

With an informed affiliate strategy, you can improve your success rate.

1. 84% of businesses rate affiliate marketing ROI as better than other marketing channels. (IAB Australia)

2. Affiliate marketing is used by 83% of marketers to raise brand awareness. (Cake)

3. 40% of marketers consider affiliate marketing to be a necessary skill. (BloggingX)

4. 84% of publishers reported that affiliate networks increased their annual revenue by 20%. (Coupon Affiliates)

5. 79% of marketers use affiliate marketing to engage their existing customers. (Cake)

6. Social media is used by 67% of affiliate marketers to connect with their customers. (Writer’s Block Live

7. 68% of affiliate influencers promote products through social media platforms. (Similarweb)

8. SEO accounts for almost 69% of the share as a traffic source to affiliate websites. (Writer’s Block Live)

9. 65% of affiliate influencers promote businesses through blogs. (Similarweb)

10. 81% of brands have affiliate programs. (Rakuten)

Personalized Marketing Statistics

Personalized marketing helps brands create experiences based on individual customer interests. 

And personalization can help you improve customer engagement as well as conversion rates.

1. 71% of consumers expect businesses to provide personalized interactions. (Mckinsey)

2. 49% of consumers said they would likely become repeat buyers if a retail brand provides a personalized experience. (Twilio Segment)

3. 54% of marketers worldwide reported improved brand engagement as a result of increased personalization efforts. (Insider Intelligence)

4. 80% of businesses say customers spend 34% more when offered personalized shopping experiences. (Twilio Segment)

5. 76% of customers said that receiving personalized communications was a key factor in prompting their consideration of a brand. (McKinsey)

6. 62% of respondents said a brand that doesn’t provide a personalized experience risks losing business. (Twilio Segment)

7. Mobile push notifications not only improve personalization, but they can also boost app engagement by up to 88%. (Invesp)

8. 89% of marketers see a positive ROI when they use personalization in their campaigns. (Adobe)

9. Companies that successfully implement personalization have the potential to increase their revenue by 40% (McKinsey).

10. One-third of marketers spend 50% or more of their marketing budgets on personalization (Statista)

11. 63% of consumers will not purchase from a brand that lacks personalization. (Smart Insights)

Meme Marketing Statistics

Oh, I love to create and share memes a lot. And you should definitely use memes to establish a connection with your audience.

1. Memes have about ten times more reach with 60% organic engagement than regular marketing graphics. (New York University

2. A meme campaign has a 14% higher Click-Through-Rate (CTR) than email marketing. (Forbes)

3. More than 60% of people say they are more likely to purchase from a company that uses memes in their marketing. (Forbes)

4. Almost 54% of gen-Z users, 41% of Millennials, and 21% of the gen-X audience love memes. (Insider Intelligence)

5. 75% of people aged 13-36 share memes. (YPulse)

6. Every day, Instagram users share over one million memes. (Instagram)

7. The average CTR for a marketing campaign is around 6%, whereas meme marketing has a CTR of around 19%. (UNI ScholarWorks)


Now it’s not necessary that you consider all these 100+ marketing statistics.

Implement some of these statistics along with your current marketing strategy and see what works best for you.

Some statistics will work for your business and some will not work well.

But these statistics will help you in planning your 2023 marketing strategy.

And if you haven’t yet started planning your strategy then what are you waiting for? Read our marketing strategies for 2023 blog and start working on it.

Signing off.

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